Helpline: 01202 826127

Quotation Request

Craft Insurance

1. Proposer
2. Your Business
3. Public & Product Liability
4. Business Items
5. Employers Liability
6. Statement of Fact
Direct Debit
Temporary Stock Exhibitions

1. Proposer

Your Details

We collect and process information from you in order to provide quotes and insurance policies. Your information is also used for business purposes such as fraud prevention and detection and financial management. OurPrivacy Policy explains more about how your information is used and your rights in relation to your information.
All quotations and policies issued are on a Non-Advised basis.
Contact Name:
Contact Postcode:
Please type in your postcode, click Get Address, and select your address from the drop down
Email address and Password:

Would you like to receive emails about our company news, policy updates and story updates?
Contact Mobile:
Contact Telephone:
Are you domiciled and are all premises based in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands?
Sorry! We cannot offer you cover in these circumstances
Your name and trading name or name of Ltd Company
Private Individuals, Sole Traders & Partnerships - Please enter your full name along with any trading name. Ltd Companies & Ltd Liability Partnerships, put Ltd, Limited or LLP as appropriate.
What is the name of your club, association or society?
We cannot cover the following:
Do you manufacture, sell or supply, or do any of the following?
  • Medical and health products and pharmaceuticals including dietary or herbal supplements, slimming aids and surgical equipment
  • Adult toys and marital/sex aids
  • Fireworks or pyrotechnics
  • Wedding dresses and bridal gowns
  • Firearms or munitions as defined in the Firearms Act 1968
  • Fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides, animal feeds (excluding pet food for domestic animals)
  • Any item designed for use in aircraft, hovercraft, water craft or any mechanically propelled vehicle including such vehicles, other than toys
  • Any items which contain or operate using flammable liquids (other than alcohol, wax, wax melts, cosmetic products, candles and fragrance oils / essential oils, which we can insure), liquid or gaseaous fuels
  • Make, sell or supply gas appliances
  • Second hand electrical goods
  • Produce more than 7,000 litres (1,540 gallons) of beer or cider per year
  • Physical performances, other than demonstrations of craft skills
  • Bush crafts or any similar survival skills
  • Holistic healing or therapies or beauty treatments
  • Advertising, event, fashion, portrait, sport, studio or wedding photography, photojournalism or videography
  • Face painting, henna or temporary tattoos/body art
  • Land or estate management
  • Catering services, mobile catering vans or beer tents
  • Event organisation - except for clubs whose members are the only exhibitors
  • Provision of advice or training in relation to the law, financial services, any regulated activity, accountancy, turnaround management or pollution
  • When do you wish your policy to start?
    Sorry! We cannot offer you cover in these circumstances
    **Hidden** Hiscox Reference Number
    **Hidden** Insured type code
    *Hidden* First two letters of Postcode
    *hidden* Contact name first name
    *hidden* Contact name surname
    Specified Vulnerabilities

    2. Your Business

    Your Business

    Business Activities

    This policy covers you wherever you work and sell your products. This includes craft fairs, markets, renting a shelf in a shop, your home or your workshop or any other location.
    Do you make your own handcrafted items to sell?
    (Cover applies anywhere you go to sell your items, including craft fairs, markets and online)
    Are you a craft club, society or association for the promotion of craft skills and/or the support of crafts people?
    Do you carry out any teaching or demonstrations for adults and/or children?
    If you demonstrate or teach craft skills, do you carry out a risk assessment?
    Sorry! We cannot offer you cover in these circumstances
    What items do you make and sell and, if applicable, what crafts do you teach / demonstrate?
    (This description will be on your insurance documents)
    Have you ever been refused or declined cover for these activities?
    Sorry! We cannot offer you cover in these circumstances
    Is your estimated annual turnover for your crafting activities more than £250,000?
    Sorry! We cannot offer you cover in these circumstances
    Do you trade from shop premises, used only by you, for retail /selling, that don’t include workshop or manufacturing facilities?
    Excluding sheds and kiosks
    Sorry! We cannot offer you cover in these circumstances
    Do you install, maintain, repair, restore or clean any third party property over £5,000 other than goods previously sold by you?
    Sorry! We cannot offer you cover in these circumstances

    3. Public & Product Liability

    Public & Product Liability

    Public and Products liability insurance meets the demands and needs of those who wish to protect themselves against the cost of a claim brought against them by a member of the public (excluding employees or volunteers) for bodily injury or damage to their property as a result of negligence, occurring during the period of insurance.
    The excess for Public and Products Liability claims is NIL
    Do you send over £25,000 of goods to the US and Canada?
    Public and Product Liability for USA/Canada included at no extra cost
    (In the aggregate including defence costs)
    Please advise your estimated annual turnover of sales to the USA/Canada in £:
    Do you carry out any craft activities more than 3 metres off the ground or floor level?
    ie, feet off the floor, up ladders or scaffolding etc
    Sorry! We will need to refer this to our underwriters. Please complete the following
    Percentage of work above 3m?
    Maximum height you work at?
    Method of achieving such heights?
    Details of person(s) undertaking work at height:
    Previous experience of working at height
    Qualifications held by each person working at height:
    Details of training provided along with how this is logged and maintained:
    Details of risk management e.g. risk assessments, PPE etc:
    Public and Product - LoI

    4. Business Items

    Business Items

    Business items insurance meets the demands and needs of those who wish to protect their business items (stock, materials, tools and equipment) used in connection with their business activities, against accidental damage or physical loss.
    We can offer additional cover for your stock, materials, tools and equipment used in connection with your craft business, which belong to you. The standard excess is £50 for each and every claim.

    The additional cover will increase your premium. Premiums are based on the sums insured.
    We can offer additional cover for stock, materials, tools and equipment owned by the club and used for club activities. Please note, we cannot cover items belonging to individual members. The standard excess is £50 for each and every claim.

    The additional cover will increase your premium. Premiums are based on the sums insured.
    Would you like to add cover for your business items?
    The additional cover will increase your premium. Premiums are based on the sums insured. Please enter the sums you would like to insure:
    Tools & Equipment, Stock, Materials, Moulds & Templates
    Materials, moulds & templates:
    Raw materials (including work in progress), moulds and templates used to produce your stock. Please insure at the replacement cost to you. ARCHIVED ON 11/10/2024 - Ticket:34306
    General Contents, Fixtures & Fittings
    All Other Business Items
    Computers, laptops, other portable electronic equipment & ancillary equipment
    **Hidden** Total Business Items
    Total Business items more than £25000

    5. Employers Liability

    Employers Liability

    Employers' liability insurance meets the demands and needs of those wishing to protect themselves against claims brought against them by an employee or volunteer for bodily injury.

    If you have employees, and you do not hold Employers’ Liability cover, you may be in breach of legal requirements.

    An employee isn’t solely classed as someone where you are responsible for their tax and national insurance contributions. If you have volunteers, assistants, helpers or work experience students, paid or unpaid, full time or part time, who are working under your supervision, direction or control, they could be deemed employees.

    Limited companies that have two or more directors require compulsory Employers’ Liability cover, regardless of whether they are family businesses, or the directors are husband and wife.

    The excess for Employers' Liability claims is NIL
    Are you the sole director of the limited company?
    Do you have any employees / volunteers assisting with your craft activities?
    (Excluding husband, wife, civil partner or close family relations)
    Does the Ltd company have any employees / volunteers?
    Employers Liability with a £10 million indemnity is automatically included.
    Employers' Liability insurance with an indemnity limit of £10,000,000 is included on your policy
    Employers' Liability LoI
    **HIDDEN** Is EL Mandatory

    6. Statement of Fact

    Statement of Fact

    Under The Insurance Act 2016, you have a duty to make a fair presentation of the risk. We rely upon these facts and all the information that you or anyone on your behalf provided, when agreeing to provide this insurance and in setting the terms and premium.
    Have you disclosed every material circumstance which you know or ought to know or disclosed sufficient information that alerts us that further enquiries need to be made?
    Do you agree to tell us if there are changes to this information during the period of insurance? When we are notified of a change we will tell you if this affects your policy. If you do not inform us about a change it may affect any claim you make or could result in your insurance being invalid.
    Have You or any Directors or Partners been the subject of any insolvency process within the last 3 years?
    Is this still current?
    Was this spent within the last 2 years?
    Have You been convicted of or charged with any offence, other than a motoring offence or conviction spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?
    Please provide details:
    Have you had any liability claims in the last 5 years?
    In relation to your crafting activities in the last three years, have there been more than 2 property claims or incidents that could have resulted in a claim or any property claims of a repetitive nature, or property claims with a combined total value over £2,500?
    Please provide details of any claims, including the date of loss, a brief description, the amount of the claim, and if the claim is still open, has been settled, or has been rejected:
    Are you aware of any circumstances, incidents or escalating levels of complaint that might result in a claim?
    Please provide details of any potential claim(s):
    Documents can be accessed via MyAccount and will be emailed. Please only request hard copies if they are urgently needed. Would you like a hard copy in the post?
    Please note that we cannot process your application unless you confirm that you have read our terms and conditions
    INTERNAL USE ONLY - Confirm that paper documents have been posted to the client
    INTERNAL USE ONLY - Please select the date that paper documents were posted to the client

    Direct Debit

    Direct Debit

    Customer paying by Direct Debit?
    Name of Account Holder:
    Branch Sort code:
    Account Number:
    Name of Bank:
    Address of Bank:


    Tier 1 - Materials, moulds & templates first £5000
    Tier 2 - Materials, moulds & templates £5000 to £15000
    Tier 3 - Materials, moulds & templates £15000 +
    Tier 1 - Stock first £5000
    Tier 2 - Stock £5000 to £15000
    Tier 3 - Stock £15000 +
    Tier 1 - Tools first £5000
    Tier 2 - Tools £5000 to £15000
    Tier 3 - Tools £15000 +
    Tier 1 - Event first £5000
    Tier 2 - Event £5000 to £15000
    Tier 3 - Event £15000 +
    Tier 1 - Portable first £5000
    Tier 2 - Portable £5000 to £15000
    Tier 3 - Portable £15000 +
    Hiscox Allocated Policy Number
    Date policy documents issued to customer
    User browser info
    Rate Version
    Document Version

    Temporary Stock Exhibitions

    Temporary Stock Exhibitions LoI
    Start Date:
    Finish Date: